Thursday, January 23, 2014



The humans that eat humans 'CANNIBALS'.
They eat you alive or dead. The most dangerous death anyone would have experienced is becoming dinner of a cannibal!

Dangerous Fish

Angler Fish Deep sea angler fish emits light from their esca to attract prey. Because of this method of predation it is called as angler fish. Though it is dangerous and often red listed in many parts of the world but it is preferred for cooking in Korea and Japan.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Think if it meets YOU in a dark room !!
The Polar Bear made a harsh cut on the lady's neck and did not let her die.
The lady died after 2 hours which was the most painful death of a person in all the Northern Sarvonia !!
World's Most Dangerous..
Here you will find the world's most dangerous-
birds, animals, reptiles, airports, diseases, events, etc.